Ben A.B. Griffioen
International Conference on River Connectivity (Fish Passage 2018)
Monday, 10th December
Tuesday, 11th December
Wednesday, 12th December
Thursday, 13th December
Friday, 14th December
Hydropower and Fish Symposium
Fish passage in tropical systems
Fish Passage in the Mekong Basin
Non-salmonid Fish Passage
Best practice diversion screening
Fish passage engineering advancements
Fish Passage and Connectivity monitoring techniques
Dam removal
Road Crossing Remediation
Reconnecting with floodplains and wetlands
Estuarine connectivity and passage
Policy – the Achilles-heel of river connectivity
Connectivity and river operations
Ben A.B. Griffioen
Abstracts this author is presenting:
Following the migration of glass eel and three-spined stickleback passing Europe’s largest pumping station and world’s largest sluice
Non-salmonid passage III
Do silver eel find their way along sluices and pumping stations in highly regulated water systems
Non-salmonid passage III
Does a large catch of fish behind a fish passage automatically mean a successful fish passage
Poster Session